
Exitstencil Press

the new Exitstencil Press web site is finally up and running. Exitstencil was set-up many years ago by artists Gee Vaucher & Penny Rimbaud and have recently decided to revitalise the project. Gee's new book: "Much Ado About Something – A Play of Metaphors" has just been published and is available from the site along with a number of new prints. Penny Rimbaud's "Last of the Hippies" book is also available direct from them.



Politics Of Envy Promo

promo for a music project that Penny Rimbaud and Bron Jones have been working on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ysy6eXwV_Uk&NR=1
with crazy cAt Youth produc'in, and collaborating with Mark Stewart, John Sinclair, David Tibet, Zodiac Youth...


at the Manchester International Festival
was so good this month!

And Dr.Dee...

Brave Old Worldly prints

Limited edition prints available to buy at www.alices.bigcartel.com

And on display at the Idler Academy this week.


'Brave Old World' book in the shops

A new book by Tom Hodgkinson, published by Hamish Hamilton, on the 7th July, available in all good book shops

This is what they say about the book...
"Drawing on the wisdom of an eclectic range of thinkers and writers, on medieval calendars and manorial records, and, as ever, on Tom's own honestly recounted and frequently imperfect attempts to travel the road to self-sufficiency, "Brave Old World" is designed to give us all hope. Why, he asks, shouldn't we return to the ideals of a pre-capitalist, pre-Puritan, pre-consumerist world of feasting, dancing, horse-riding, wood-chopping, fire-laying, poultry-rearing, bartering, bread-baking and bee-keeping? From January to December, "Brave Old World" charts the progress of a year in pursuit of the pleasures of the past, taking seriously - though not without much incidental comedy - G.K. Chesterton's exhortation, 'We must go back to freedom or forward to slavery'."

We've spent the last few months working on the book cover designs, and interior typsetting and illustrations.

Many thanks to Fergus and all at Chethams library in Manchester for letting me thumb through their ancient collection of Book of Hour's, and an afternoon of great banter, that set the scene for the design of this book. 

There's a book launch this Thursday 7th, all welcome, the tickets are available here: http://idler.co.uk/academy/events/event/brave-old-world-book-launch/ and you'll recieve a signed copy of the book, and wine will be flowing through the evening.